Friday, September 16, 2011

Free writingAs I often write in a few pages in the back before this that I often present in the form of confusion, or more specifically I was scrambling to face this situation, here 27/05/2011 although this situation has lasted quite a while before this, maybe you are a little difficult to capture a signal that I am talking about this situation, either ....I accidentally manipulation so you will not be so understanding when I read what I write, but ... this is between me and the reader, I try to describe some events that I experienced through this paper which has become a sheet section and maybe I have been, ,,Taukah you if in the current circumstances, it is almost impossible for me to make changes and it is very difficult to get out of the real problem, because I have exhausted all the resources I have previously made me strong and brave in taking extreme measures and even the impossible is often treated me as possible, without the foundation of courage that is now a boomerang, courage without a solid foundation makes me easy to slip far down, almost every day I spend time looking for a way out, scrape and make a re-evaluation reveals failure of the actual wound sore if I remember it, maybe my history is not too interesting to read, but at least I have started what might be the offspring will someday need, deliberately I write every moment to the strains SONG Muhammadiyyah & Mary long before you were born , I can not deny that kegaalanku in the slimming business is not separated from the lust of the world is eating at me is too strong and gentut, to the desire for excess menudukan world and indeed I should not have to over-dramatize every little incident.Until now I have not found a way also seems to me too late to determine the direction of life in this my age to 27, before this I was BARETENDER, HOUSEKEEPING, WAITRES, ROOMBOY and also had a small restaurant in the area MANAGER Cimelati, until I finally I tried to self stand on its own feet to open a business without a full readiness, of the law of equilibrium will say that if an essential element in a system can not work properly, then the sytem can not run it well too, it seems that when it's my picture,,,Yes ,,,,, never mind .... to take lessons from each incident is more important than any sadness locked in the past, an effect that is not fsikologis I calculated earlier, as of this writing is not the least my acukan in the journals, , you should know that I do not need to complete the thesis, dissertation tessis or even to be able to finish writing this bad, perhaps in saying that this paper is in the underlying by the hatred of the world of education after high school, maybe because I did not pack have that opportunity, so I a little jealous of those whose last name plastered frills that do not necessarily reflect the disciplines of that title, I often saw an unfamiliar educational GRADUATE WORLD-Exel because they are too dumb and consider technology as a sacred thing, and they rarely bersentuahn with it, or an economics graduate who went to college once a month and received a bachelor S1 at the end of the lessons that have been determined then by berbanggga they invite the whole family to attend a graduation ceremony at a university degree with not a little spending money, if they have been married then children in whom is also the wife to take pictures using oversized clothes with hats typical of scholars who have a rope in front,, I do not really know what the name of his greatness clothes, I never saw a friend of mine who wanted to graduation in the next day, I saw a real busy I guess not too important, such as preparing cipempers buying baby milk, plaster, snacks and homemade cakes in-law, when it comes to my mind, secretly concluded that what all this time he lived ... (oia.. my friend an elementary school teacher ...) in college and continuing education just to get a promotion at the office, expedite the flow Chas household, without the slightest heed to any lesson that is given at the university where he studied, it shall in science is important and should be prioritized, because of any perbincanganku with ASEP KUSNADI.SPD about education, I often conclude from the way she talks and responds to all my questions about the world of education in a broader scope implies stupidity and kegoblogannya like snot-nosed kid who is just learning multiplication and an odd number, he did not even know or did not he explained ever wanted to know that the education sytem in INDONESIA tend SECULAR and materialistic, what because he was too busy with the task mengoerksi only students and gives students the value of red on the report cards, but pekeerjaan it can be completed in one day, and the rest can be used to pay attention to the development of the world education at the school, it is very regrettable if a degree in education do not understand the relevance of education in INDONESIA are not in accordance with the needs, how the fate of education in Indonesia when in an educational system that is vital for current and highly prioritized quality in content by scholar-sarjanya dumb are more concerned with promotion, the contribution of the recording gave to the world of education does not correspond to the needs of the profession despite the increase in galakan perogram, teketimbang tektek ends it all, because I think that if we FOCUS IN JOB>>> MONEY WILL FOLLOW ,,

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